SUSAN MERSON - Actor, Writer, Producer, Educator

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Hear Susan talk about Tarot
and her Spiritual work!

When Susan reads Tarot for me it is always uplifting.  This doesn't mean that the cards are necessarily all hearts and flowers, but because her approach covers the practical, spiritual and psychological, she offers a full overview of what is going on and to come and reminds me challenges always hold opportunities for growth and enlightened transitions.  I highly recommend her as a highly experienced and skilled practitioner....Jennifer W, Ct.

"Susan tunes into the energy and wisdom of the tarot with skill, ease and grace. Down to earth, practical and loving - I appreciate the clarity and perspective I gain from her " ...Nancy G.

Thank you for an excellent reading via Skype. It provided me with comfort and clarity for this crazy journey that I am on. It was like speaking to an old friend with love, laughter and guidance. I highly recommend your readings for other creatives and people walking unconventional paths or experiencing transitions in life. Big hugs from Portugal ....Candace VDW

Susan, you're readings are insightful and growth enhancing....Sheri M.

Scroll down for additional episodes!

Susan started her study of tarot in the 1970’s at the Theosophical Society in New York City.

Since those workshops with the tweedy mystics of the Upper East Side, she has continued her study in workshops with Rachel Pollack, Mary Greer and Ellen Goldberg among many others.

She has been a guest reader at the MAGICAL WOMENS CONFERENCE in London and for the FICTION CENTER in NYC among other spots. Recently she has developed two classes: TAROT FOR HOW YOU TICK and TAROT FOR WRITERS. She also has 5 TAROT FOR WRITERS You Tube episodes to introduce writing and plotting tips to be found by using the Tarot cards. She has an active tarot counseling practice.

Please contact her at


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